Friday, June 22, 2012

End of orientation

Today was day 2 of orientation and everyone was just really excited to know how many students we had in each of our classes.  In total I have eight students: 3 in the first, 3 in the second and 2 in the last class.  We all had the chance to share our first lesson plan for Monday with each other in small groups.  Then we took group pictures which I can hopefully get and post later, and had a little tour of the campus to see where our classrooms are located.  After orientation, my Long Beach group went took a bus to E-mart to buy some supplies like detergent for our laundry, hangers, etc.  What we spent most of our time doing at E-mart though was walking around taking food and drink samples just like at Costco.  Once we had our fill, we went back to the dorms to change for dinner.  Don't remember what we ate but it was really good.  I need to start writing these names down.  From there, we went to get shaved ice and while waiting for the order, we ran into the Dankook students we hung out with and played basketball with the previous night.  We were all really excited and pretty much blocked the entrance, being loud with enthusiasm.  We decided we need to have a basketball rematch possibly on Sunday.  I can't wait!  Now for some pictures.

Here are a few things you can see on a walk through campus (taken yesterday): 

 Convenient store a couple of minutes away from the dorms

 My friend Krystal pointing out toward the basketball courts

 Stairs we go up and down everyday. 219 steps one way!

What I had for dinner last night.  Spicy but very tasty.  My spicy tolerance will definitely go up thanks to the food here.

Another long and tiring day today but lots of fun.  Can't wait to meet my students on Monday!  One sad thing though is that we are going to say goodbye to some friends tomorrow morning because they will be teaching at the other campus, which is around 2 hours away from this campus.  We get to see them again after three weeks but still pretty bummed.  Well I can't seem to keep my eyes open for any longer so now it's bedtime for me.  Forgot this in my first post but Redondo out!

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